Trust Board - Vacancies
Skylight seeks two new Board Trustees. Advertisement (pdf download)
We welcome applications from experienced and aspiring board members from all over Aotearoa who can bring energy, commitment, sound judgement, professionalism, critical thinking skills and diversity, plus ideally one or more of the following competencies:
- Clinical knowledge, experience and skills working with tamariki
- Commercial acumen with experience growing revenue in a not-for-profit setting.
- Legal expertise particularly in areas relevant to the not-for-profit sector
Job Description (pdf download) We encourage applications by 17th April 2025.
Please send your CV and a short cover letter describing what you would bring to Skylight to Nikki Franklin [email protected]
Initial interviews will be conducted by a board sub-panel via teleconference, and final interviews will be with the full board.
An induction programme will be provided to successful candidates.