

View on Skylight's Youtube Channel

What is Trauma 

This webinar is presented by Roni who is a Strategic Interventionist/Relationship Educator and works within a trauma-informed practice. Her expertise covers such topics as attachment, addiction, trauma, emotional intelligence, and raising emotionally healthy children in today's stressful society.

The webinar will cover:
• What is Trauma?
• How do I know if I have trauma?
• Who can help me?
• How to regulate yourself

Is a Worry Worrying You? 

Presenter is Kyra - An introduction to understanding worries and anxiety

Worries and Anxiety Presentation

Counselling... what is it all about?

Presenter is Kyra - Meeting someone new can be a bit scary sometimes. We might not know what to expect and what the person is expecting of us. Sometimes, it can be helpful to have some information before you meet someone new.

This presentation will cover...
  • What is a counsellor?
  • What is the difference between talking to a counsellor compared to a friend, parent or trusted adult?
  • What happens in counselling?
  • What are some of the reasons someone might go to counselling?
  • Feelings... how do I know what my feelings are, and how do I talk about them?
  • How can counselling help?

Good Mood and Food

Presenter - Skylight Clinical Nutritionist and Counsellor, Debbie - this session will guide students from years 7, 8 and 9 (11-13 years old), through an informative session on the mind and body connection in relation to our food choices, how we process our thoughts and the importance of movement.

The Power of Journaling

Presenter is Debbie - The Power of Journaling (file download) - Journaling is an exercise in thinking and reflecting, to enable children to process feelings, build writing skills, communicate their ideas and increase self-awareness. Participants will be taken on a journey of positive thinking, problem solving, mindfulness and self-care.

Grief 101 for Parents: Presented by Jackie Calder

Skylight in partnership with the Child Cancer Foundation presents this resource which covers a basic understanding of grief and how to cope when you are grieving. This resource was developed for parents who are supporting their child living with cancer, or who have lost a child to cancer. It may be helpful for anyone who is grieving a significant loss in their life. It also contains some tips on getting through the holidays.

Parenting through Grief

Skylight, in partnership with the Child Cancer Foundation is pleased to present this recorded webinar "Parenting through Grief": Presented by Ariella Moscoso-Lira.

This resource was developed for parents who are supporting their child living with cancer, or who have lost a child to cancer. It may also may be helpful for anyone who is in need of tips to manage grief in their family. This webinar covers:
  • Common responses to grief associated with cancer according to the developmental stages of children
  • How can we support our children: parenting through their grief
  • How can we look after ourselves: parenting through our grief
  • What is resilience and how we can strengthen our family's resilience

Practical Strategies for Self-Care and Resilience: Presented by Claire Laurenson, Contractor

This is the third and final instalment of Skylight's webinar partnership with the Child Cancer Foundation. This resource was developed for parents who are supporting their child living with cancer, or who have lost a child to cancer. It may also may be helpful for anyone who is in need of tips to manage self-care during difficult times.

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Resources Available at Skylight

Skylight is here to help you through difficult times. We can assist you in a variety of ways with information appropriate for your situation. You are welcome to visit us and receive free information and a support pack from our resource centre and borrow books from the specialist library. We also facilitate Professional Development training and offer Counselling support services for children, young people, family/whānau and individuals who are experiencing tough times.

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