
Awhi Mai Awhi Atu - wellbeing in schools

In 2021 the Ministry of Education issued a RFP entitled "Counselling Services for Students Wellbeing in Primary and Secondary Schools".

Skylight responded to this request and commenced delivering counselling support in schools in the Waikato and South Canterbury, in June 2021. Since then schools in the Wellington area have also contracted services. Skylight Counsellors are now providing services in twenty-nine schools.

Latest ERO Research Report

The Education Review Office (ERO) was commissioned by the Ministry of Education to independently evaluate how well the Counselling in Schools initiative is going, in primary and secondary schools. They looked at the effectiveness of CIS, how well it reached the students it is targeted at, the impact it had and some lessons learned for counselling programmes in the future.

They found that counselling improves students’ mental health, and also saw some encouraging signs of improved learning and wellbeing more widely.

  • “We have found that counselling in primary schools can make a real difference. Eight in 10 students report improvements to their mental health after receiving counselling.”

Teachers told ERO that over half of the students who attended counselling improved in their learning progress, and parents and students agreed. More than three quarters of teachers, students and parents also reported the counselling in primary schools improved attendance.
The greatest improvements are for students who experience the most severe mental distress. Two-thirds of students with the highest mental health needs saw improvement in their learning progress. 

These improvements last after counselling finishes. Four in five teachers told us that these improvements for mental health are still evident after six months.

It is particularly encouraging that counselling in primary schools is reaching groups who do not typically access counselling, such as Māori students and boys. The research found that counselling held on-site at schools improves access.

Recent feedback we have received:

• 'Another student is more happily engaging in class after having counselling, gaining confidence and stronger Wairua, and reduced playground issues.' (Counsellor)

• 'I’ve noticed a significant change in my children since they have been engaged in counselling. I’ve really noticed that x doesn’t seem to be as muddled anymore as she was at the start of the year and doesn’t seem so anxious. and x really enjoys coming to play games and having a space to talk about things that he knows the counsellor won't share with anyone.' (Parent)

• 'The counselling has given our children access to genuine personal help for them. Worries, anxiety, grief, and anger are all issues our children are trying to grapple with. A private and trusted 1 on 1 session for these children helps enable them to manage how they deal with these issues in a complex life.' (Principal)

Resources Available at Skylight

Skylight is here to help you through difficult times. We can assist you in a variety of ways with information appropriate for your situation. You are welcome to visit us and receive free information and a support pack from our resource centre and borrow books from the specialist library. We also facilitate Professional Development training and offer Counselling support services for children, young people, family/whānau and individuals who are experiencing tough times.

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