Important information for children when someone they know has had a stroke.
If someone has a stroke, it means something has stopped the normal blood flow to the brain. Strokes usually happen to older people, like grandparents. Blood circulates through your body by way of tubes called arteries and veins. Blood carries oxygen to all the cells in your body.
If something clogs these tubes or one bursts, the blood can't get through and the cells in the brain don't get the oxygen they need, thus causing damage to parts of the brain which can then affect how the body functions.
Strokes are serious. People who have strokes can be very sick, have brain damage, or die. But many people recover from strokes, especially if they know the warning signs and can get help quickly.
A stroke is different for everybody. Some people get better very quickly. Others might feel very tired for a long time. Some feel sad or worried. Sometimes it affects they way they walk and they may need to use a walking frame or a wheelchair. Some people will need help doing things and may need someone to look after them or stay in a nursing home.
Sometimes, they may seem different to how they were before, but they are still the same person. They can feel very tired and find it hard to talk, but they might like you to talk to them anyway. Strokes can also change people's feelings, causing them to cry for no reason or be angry or say rude things. It can also make them forget words, and even things and people.
These effects will often improve in a few weeks. Some changes last a long time.
This may make you feel sad. Talk about how you are feeling with a whānau member or friend.