Addiction information for children and young people
When a person is addicted to something, like drinking alcohol, or gambling, they can’t control themselves and must do that thing. It’s the main thing they think about and want, every day. When someone is an addict they can’t stop themselves doing that thing, without help from others.
The person with an addiction isn’t a ‘bad’ person. They are sick. Addiction is a disease. The disease can affect them so much, it sometimes makes them do things that can be:
- scary
- mean
- dangerous
- confusing
- dishonest
- against the law
- embarrassing.
An addiction intrudes on a person’s life because it is all they think about and want to do. They might be unreliable and even though what they do makes others unhappy, they keep doing the thing they’re addicted to. Often addicts stop caring for themselves properly and begin to look unwell. Even if someone tells them they have an addiction, most addicts don’t like to think there is anything wrong.
Children can often think that they have done something to cause the addiction. When someone has an addiction, it is never anyone else’s fault. With help from others who are trained in addictions, a person can get well again. Sometimes, it can feel like you are the only one with a family member who has an addiction, but there are others who understand what you are dealing with.
Can an addiction be cured?
Yes. The person needs to stop doing the thing they are addicted to, to stop their illness. Their mind and body will get well again. They might have some set-backs along the way. It is hard to stop an addiction. The only person who can decide to stop, is the addict. You can’t make someone stop their addiction, even if you try hard.
It is normal to feel all kinds of things. Sharing how you think and feel can release a lot of tension inside. There are different ways to let your thoughts and feelings out. You can use words, get some exercise, or get creative.
Always remember the 7 C's:
I didn't cause it, I can't cure it, I can't control it, but I can care for myself really well, by communicating my thoughts and feelings, by making good choices and by celebrating who I am!
It is important to keep safe. Some addicts can behave in scary ways sometimes. Think about who you could go to or phone, if you need help to keep safe. If you are scared about being hurt, go to a friend’s house or a neighbour if you can, or phone 111 for help.
For further information see attached pdfs and links to: Drug Help; Alcoholics Anonymous; Problem Gambling.