When a break up happens in the family, it can be hard on everyone, especially when there are children involved.
When a family breaks up, everyone is affected. It is important to look for support for yourself and your children and teens. This can come from friends, family and whānau.
It will take some adjustment to go from being a live-in family unit, to living separately, getting on as separated parents and working out mutually agreed child-care arrangements. Being partners in parenting will greatly benefit everyone involved. How parents manage a separation or divorce and how they deal with any conflicts during this time, has a big impact on how the family copes.
Family break up also brings uncertainty about the future. Children and young people need the love and support from both parents, as they come to terms with the changes. They need to feel protected, safe and looked after.
It is never easy making the changes to a new family routine, and sometimes it even involves moving to a new location. It can take time, and children and young people will need your support and encouragement to get used to their new life.
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