If you would like to enquire about our Counselling Support Services please call 0800 299 100 or email [email protected]
Our office is open 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Counselling appointments can be made outside of these hours at a time to suit.
For after hours and crisis support see these helplines.
If you are concerned about your immediate safety or the safety of someone else – Ring 111
Samaritans - offers confidential and non-judgmental support, to anyone who may be feeling depressed lonely or even contemplating suicide. They are available 24 hours a day. 0800 72 66 66
Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or free text 4357 Lifeline Aotearoa’s helpline and text line provides 24/7, confidential support.
Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 for any person who is thinking about suicide, concerned about someone or supporting a person who has been recently bereaved by suicide.
Wellingtonhelp - 0800 FOR HELP (PRESS 0) - 24/7 support line for survivors of sexual assault and those supporting them in the Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti region. The crisis line offers one-to-one telephone support, assistance and information with medical follow-ups and police reports, and information regarding court support.
Need to Talk 1737 - free call or text at any time, for support from a trained Counsellor.
Youthline - 0800 376 633 Free text 234 works with young people, their families and those supporting young people.
Healthline - 0800 611 116 for advice from our trained registered nurses.
The Lowdown - 0800 111 757 Free text 5826 If you're stuck or feeling bad we can help you.
Kidsline - 0800 543 754 is New Zealand's original telephone counselling service for all kids up to 14 years of age.